What Are Driver Rests and Why Are They Important?

Making sure drivers are abiding by HGV Weekly Rests is the companies responsibility. Don’t let your drivers work longer than they should. Not only is it bad for the driver, but it also endagers everyone on the road.
driver standing outside of long haul truck following driver rest laws

Driving while tired can have life-threatening consequences. 2021 Fleet News data reveals the following:

  • 1 in 4 admit to breaking driver rest rules
  • 1 in 8 drivers in the UK admit to falling asleep at the wheel at some point
  • 85% of fleet managers said their vehicles had been involved in an accident at some point
  • 15% of accidents are caused by fatigue

It is vital that you are informed of driver rests and ensure your drivers follow them!

This article will discuss driver rests, including what they are, why they’re so important and how fleet managers can enforce these rest periods. 

What Are Driver Rests?

Driver rests refer to periods of rest that drivers are required to take in compliance with industry regulations. These regulations apply to all drivers of heavy goods vehicles. The current EU drivers regulations are as follows: 

parked truck at night covered in snow resting driver
  • HGV daily rest: Drivers must have a rest period of at least 11 hours daily. They can shorten this up to nine hours rest period, but only three times per week.
  • HGV weekly rest: Drivers must have an uninterrupted rest period of 45 hours weekly. They can reduce it to 24 hours every week, if desired.
  • While driving: Drivers must take break periods of at least 45 minutes after four and a half hours of consecutive driving.

Additionally, there are EU driving regulations that outline the number of hours drivers are allowed to drive daily and weekly. HGV drivers must record their rests and driving times on a tachograph, which is a gadget that’s attached to an automobile to record driving periods, distances and speed.

Get A Free Guide To HGV Driving Breaks

Why Are Driver Rests Important? 

Driving for long hours on end requires immense concentration and control. By taking driving breaks, drivers will ensure they stay alert on the road and avoid any of the risks associated with driving for too long without rest. 

Some of the risks of skipping the daily or weekly HGV rest period include: running out of fuel, falling asleep at the wheel and reduced reaction times. For these reasons, it’s crucial that HGV weekly rest periods are observed — for the safety of the driver and others on the road. 

Read more: How To Have Happy Drivers In Your Company

How Drivers Can Incorporate Rests Into Their Routine 

Determining when a driver should take a break can be confusing. Driving times and time spent on other work are classified differently and consequently require different amounts of rest periods in between. 

long haul truck on road needs to follow hgv weekly rest

The easiest way for a driver to incorporate daily driver rests and weekly rests into their routine is to keep a log of their driving times, rest times, and time spent on other work. Drivers are legally required to record driving and rest times on a tachograph, but keeping a paper or digital log may make calculating rest periods easier. 

Drivers should familiarise themselves with the EU driving regulations and go over any questions with their fleet manager before hitting the road. 

How Fleet Managers Can Enforce Driver Rests 

There are a few key things fleet managers can do to enforce daily and weekly driver rests:

  • Develop road-safety strategies: Fleet managers should implement a protocol for management to establish road safety strategies at the local, state and national levels.  
  • Provide driver training: Driver training, education and incentive programs can reduce the risk of accidents and ensure drivers take the appropriate rest periods. 
  • Utilise a fleet management system: A vehicle management systems like Fleet Geo can track driving hours, mileage and the real-time location of vehicles. Fleet managers can review this information on vehicle or truck tracking systems retrospectively and address issues as the crop up. 
Man relaxing on bench abiding hgv weekly rest

Driver Rests Make for Safer Roads 

The HGV weekly rest period should not be overlooked by drivers. Skipping these important rest periods increases the risk of drivers running out of fuel, falling asleep at the wheel and damaging the vehicle or others on the road. 

Fleet managers can better enforce daily and weekly rest periods by implementing road-safety protocol, educating drivers and using a fleet management system like Fleet Geo to review driver routes and behaviour. 

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